Now taking orders for FALL/WINTER 2023

Cauley Apple

Cauley is a very old Mississippi seedling apple that dates from sometime before 1860. A fully grown tree was found in the yard of John Cauley near Grenada, Mississippi, in 1919. J.W. Willis grafted three trees from that tree at the Delta Branch Agricultural Experiment Station in Stoneville, Mississippi. Only one of the trees survived the Mississippi River flood of 1927. This surviving tree averaged over a ton of apples during the 1930’s. The fruit is high quality and excellent for cooking and drying. The apples are very large with some weighing over a pound. Cauley is susceptible to fire-blight when young but tolerates it with mild infections. As the tree gets older it becomes very resistant to fire-blight as well as scab and bitter rot.

Fruit Drop: August-September


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